Evidence Retention for Policymakers
Disposition Chart_April 2014 revision
Changes to DWI Seizure and Felony speeding Elude Seizure Laws
15A-211(h) preserve interrogation recordings
2008 street gang forfeiture_H274v7
GS 15-11, et.seq._record and disposition of seized articles
GS_14-2.3 Forfeiture of gain acquired through criminal activity
GS_14-415.3[1].Possession of weapon after acquittal by insanity
GS_14-86 1.forfeiture of conveyances
GS_15-11 2 (2).unclaimed firearms
GS_15A-268[1] Preservation of biological evidence
GS_20-141 any you’re done
GS_20-28 3.impaired driving seizure
GS_20-28.3[1]Seizure, impoundment, forfeiture of motor vehicles for offenses involving
impaired driving while license revoked or without license and insurance
GS_50B-3.1[1].domestic violence
GS_8-103[1].courier and chain of custody
Misd SOL.GS_15-1 Statute of limitations for misdemeanors
The International Association for Property and Evidence—Newly Revised Standards
Got a technical legal question about how to handle, keep, or dispose of evidence? Call the Attorney General’s Law Enforcement Liaison Section (919-716-6725) and ask for the first available attorney. Those folks will get you the right answer.
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